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Valerian Root

Valerian Root

Valerian, whose Latin name is "Valeriana Officinalis", is from the valerian family. Since all cats like the sickening smell of the roots, they got this name because they dig the soil and remove the root of the plant. It grows in humid regions of all Europe, central Asia, and Japan. In our country, it grows mostly in Bursa-Uludağ and in the wet meadows of Eastern Anatolia. It is a perennial herbaceous plant that produces magnificent white or light pink flowers.

From the valerian root plant; Valerian root tea, valerian root oil, valerian root extracts, and tinctures are produced.

[1] Phytoterapi_Prof.Dr.Bayhan Çubukçu, Prof.Dr.Ali H. Meriçli,, Prof. Dr. Afife Mat, Prof. Dr. Gunay Sariyar, Prof. Dr. Nurhayat Sutlupinar, Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli_(p163)


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