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Psoriasis Grass

Psoriasis Grass

Mother of pearl, whose Latin name is 'Ruta graveolens', is from the family of mother-of-pearl. In ancient Greek, 'ruta' means fluent, helping, and saving, while 'graveolen' means strong-smelling. The peculiar smell of rue is loved by houseflies, while they abduct animals such as snakes, martens, cats, and mice. Its homeland is the Eastern Mediterranean. It does not grow wild in our country, it is usually grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. It's always lush. The root of this perennial shrub-like plant becomes woody in its second year. The leaves are divided into lateral leaves several times and become bifurcated. In June and July, showy, dazzling yellow flowers bloom.

From the rue plant; mother of pearl tea, mother-of-pearl extract, mother-of-pearl syrup, and cream is produced.

[1] Herbal Treatment in Turkey_Prof.Dr.Turhan Baytop_(s333)
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