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Arctium tomentosum

Arctium tomentosum

Burdock root, whose Latin name is 'Arctium tomentosum', is from the daisy family. This plant, which is very resistant to cold and bad weather conditions, usually grows in shabby places. Burdock, which prefers humid regions and shade, is common in Europe, North Asia and North America, while different species are mostly found in Central, North, and East Anatolia in our country. Other known names include Uluavratotu, Pıtrak, Dulkari shirt, Hanım patch.

The flowers of this herbaceous plant are quite interesting and distinctive. The summer blooms of burdock have slender, colorful leaves that seem to spring out of a spiny, round pouch. The flowers are bright purplish or red. In some cuisines, Burdock is used as a vegetable.

From the burdock root plant; burdock root tea, burdock root oil, burdock root tincture, and burdock root ointment are produced.

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